
open up your eyes




3 Years

Valentines 2020
07-24-2019, 05:17 PM
Theta enjoyed the chance to see Noir again, after being annoyed and cranky all the time it felt nice to allow herself some happiness. Being away from her family and the cold in the north made things even better. She knew it wasn’t going to last long, but she would enjoy it while she could.

Noir hadn’t forgotten her name either and she was glad to hear that. She wasn’t glad to hear though that Noir’s life hadn’t been that great. Getting grounded was no fun for the person involved, only the other people watching. Knowing her brother Tornadic was stuck at home while she was out here was pretty fun. Although in Theta’s mind fighting was a bad reason, she would encourage fighting rather than discourage it. Fighting was something everyone needed to learn and if the losers were allowed to get through, well a world full of weaklings was no fun at all.

Noir asked about her life and any hint of joy in her expression went away. By this time she had moved to sit by Noir to watch the ocean. She wasn’t particularly interested in talking about her own life, but there wasn’t enough reason for her to avoid talking about it either. Red eyes aimed towards the horizon Theta’s mouth began to move “After we left Abaven we went back home for a little while, it wasn’t nearly long enough though. Dad gave up the pack and in the process had a litter with some other woman. He drug us all up north to live in our uncle’s pack and it sucks.” Theta began to be less melancholy and slightly more angered “I have to deal with mindless pups clamoring for my attention, a pack in the freezing cold where nobody’s interesting, a father who doesn’t even care about what we want, and we’re not even at the top anymore.” Her eyes had drifted over to Noir’s “We’re not at the top anymore and I hate it, if you’re going to be anyone you have to be at the top and I can’t accept that we’re not anymore. I’d rather be anywhere else than at my home, at least you have a mentor and people that act like they care about you.”

Theta’s emotions had been exhausted, she had said all she wanted to say. Not all of what she said was true, some of it was said in the heat of the moment. Either way she had said it and felt a lot better for doing so.
[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art