
We Work Ourselves To The Bone Each Night




8 Years
07-24-2019, 08:49 PM

Hannibal had been making his rounds through the pack lands when he heard the call. The male just went to visit his daughter and drop off a meal. The male made it a point to spend time daily with Banshee otherwise he feared she may go down a not so positive path. But, besides all that the male was instantly on his way to heed his siblings summons. Hannibal wasn't able to spend much quality time with his newly arriving siblings due to the onslaught of duties that had come his way. Being gifted such a high position was one thing but to live up to its meaning and purpose were completely different things. He spent every waking moment ensuring the fortitude of their lands as well as the overall well-being and happiness of the pack. This also did not include the importance of maintaining his coming broods and their mothers.

It did not take long for the demon to arrive. Pad falls beat against the crisp earth like war drums. They slowed solemnly as he moved to stand about seven tail lengths away. Hannibal wasn't going to greet his sibling with the same affection as he normally would. The call had the air of a challenge. A fight was what Harbringr desired and that is exactly what Hannibal intended on delivering. As an alpha it was important for him to test and improve his skills at all times. His previous defeats were to be nothing but the past. - Hannibal dipped his head down with a gentle grin, "Let us have some fun, brother." The Hand lowered into a defensive stand. Head aligned with spine and muzzle tilted downward, ears flat with eyes narrowed, knees and elbows bent, tail flagged out for balance, and breathing steady. "Lay it one me." None of that 'taking it easy' stuff.

Hannibal vs Harbringr for Spar
Round 0/?
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Offensive Accessory: n/a
Defensive Accessory: n/a
Companion 1: n/a
Companion 2: n/a
Fight Skill Level: Expert
Specialty: n/a

Hannibal Speech

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.