


07-20-2013, 02:13 PM

thank you shrap ♥

A snort brushed past her leathery nostrils, flaring them just momentarily as the male clarified he meant her child no harm; but no matter how sincere his words may have been, she did not trust this stranger any more than she had Desdemona. There were undeniable similarities between the crooked king and the slayer to Kaien that caused her blood to boil with the rage they both ignited within her core, but even though she did not favor the arrogant cretin before her, she would not offer him the spiteful words she had spilled onto the pallid behemoth?s ears. No ? she was calm externally, eerily so despite the fact that now two of her wayward children had made an appearance upon the sidelines, endangering their lives in the process when all they desired was knowledge. But she disregarded both whelps even as her son defiantly threatened the multihued brute she desired to usurp, his words flooding her system with another wave of pride that dare not surface.

As the vocals continued to pour from the male?s inky lips, accusatory in nature, her ears peeled up from their position pasted against her crown while she digested each and every word as well as the obvious annoyance that decorated his tones, insinuating a concoction of amusement and vexation to greet her as his speech concluded. His attempt to generate pity and guilt within her for desiring the Tortugan crown affected her not ? it only managed to fuel the smirk that came back to haunt her pristine countenance. She wanted nothing more than to drive the knowledge through the brute?s thick skull that misfortune was just another obstacle in life that he and his proclaimed ?family? would be forced to deal with time in and time out, and that she and countless others were not created with the purpose to cater to his every whim just because it was morally right to do so, but she refrained ? he would just have to breach that awareness on his own in due time. Currently, however, all he and his supporters needed to worry about was where they were headed, for there was no way in hell that she would comply to allowing them to remain in Tortuga, even as inferiors. ?You?ll do well to leave Tortuga quickly,? the wench called after the brute as he vacated the arena, having not allowed her the opportunity to sate her bloodlust. Once his gargantuan form was obscured in the vegetation, the defenses she had strictly maintained throughout the encounter slackened, and she turned to face her children, a crooked grin sprawled across her facial features. ?Come, now,? she addressed the duo, pivoting in the opposite direction she had entered from. ?Let me show you your home ? our kingdom.?

exeunt morphine