
open up your eyes




Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-25-2019, 08:42 AM
Noir watched her come to sit beside him before she answered his returned question. The look in her eye was similar to his own, dissatisfied with the direction their lives were taking. He hated to hear that her father had given up his place as alpha. He couldn’t imagine his dad doing the same, but he was old enough now that he could appreciate how aged his dad really was. While he knew there were more pups expected in Abaven, none of them were going to be brothers and sisters. Cousins. So many cousins. He already did not like his siblings, the new pups sounded like they would be even worse.

Oddly enough Noir felt himself able to commiserate with Theta. Most of it anyway, he kind of felt like he wasn’t at the top, but at least Rhyme was still an alpha. What really took him aback was when Theta compared her life to his, and told him what he failed to see. Wolves that cared about him, and a mentor. That’s what the adults said anyway, the reason they punished him was because they cared about him. Noir wasn’t sure he believed it when they said it, but here Theta was offering up her third party opinion.

”What if we run away.” If they didn’t like what he did so bad, maybe Noir would just be better off if he left. It didn't sound like Theta felt much different. ”Not tonight,” he didn’t want to think about going missing right now. Rhyme would be on him in a hot second, Summer wasn’t that faithful. Then it would be even harder for him to escape. ”Soon though, maybe before the first big snow.” Even if he was still on probation Noir knew his father wouldn’t chase after him once he was a year old. He was always talking about freedom and making your own choices. Once he was a yearling he would be free.