
What do ya say baby? Lets be friends


07-20-2013, 03:32 PM
so sorry for the wait <3

The white witch had readjusted the slipping crown atop her skull, positioned it so that it was perched firmly upon her cranium with no intention of faltering once more ? no, the one true queen would secure her prestigious status this time around or she would greet her untimely demise while attempting to maintain it. It was true that she possessed few militants to justify her title as Imperial Queen, but that did not mean she would never rally troops to command on her own in due time; she suspected not many would be willing to pledge allegiance to a pack under a constant shift in ruling, so once she had proved her title was there to permanently brand her, perhaps then there would be a noticeable increase in recruits. But, for the time being, she was content with occupying the realm with only her brood, educating them to be future diplomats and elite combatants whilst fueling their minds with pride and constructing the foundation for overfed egos. They were the superior breed in her own, twisted opinion, and she desired nothing more than to witness as they adopted a similar opinion to their mother and attempted to forcefully take what they wished when it appeased them. But those were the impending endeavors of the future, and the focus of the now was raising them while she raised and developed the new Tortuga.

A soprano howl alerted her to the presence of one that the ice queen assumed loitered near the borders that had been drenched in her feminine scent, demanding that she make her appearance for a business affair. The wench ceased the examination of her realm then, pivoting in the direction the beckon had emanated from, breaking off into a brisk trot so that she may cross the path of the stranger without keeping her waiting for too long. Despite the crown she upheld, her stance was neutral aside from the plush and elevated tendril draped above her rump to assert her dominance over the territory, a wry grin contorting her velveteen lips as she approached the creature. Mercury eyes traversed the plains of the stranger?s physique, lingering upon the warrior?s build she possessed as well as the peculiar markings beneath the alluring, rosy eyes of the babe. Despite the positive first impression the female had graced her with, Morphine refused to allow the pleasure to seep through her pores, instead maintaining the vague smirk that haunted her countenance more often than not as she halted near the borderline of her domain, rooting herself there without mimicking the girl?s seating position. ?I am Morphine ? Imperial Queen of Tortuga as of recently,? she introduced herself, tones completely void of emotion. ?But let?s not talk too much about me, who are you and what brings you here, my dear??