



07-20-2013, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2013, 03:43 PM by Aegira.)

It'd taken a couple of weeks but with enough practice the minute-statured adolescent had adapted to the tangled planes of roots that thickly coated most of the mangrove-ridden portions of the territory. She danced over the uneven surface, light upon her paws and skilled in maintaining the weight-based equilibrium that was balance, tripping only when distracted by another and blaming them for it when she did. With her newfound prowess in movement, Aegira had further increased the magnitude of her confidence and ego. Despite the insistence of her mother to stray from such habits, the little lady sought out everyone and everything in the Ludicael territory, whether it be a member, rogue, animal, or otherwise. She was already close to knowing the place like the back of her paw and though her swimming needed some work, she would soon have the lay of the land memorized. It was then, and only then, that she would turn her ambitions outward in sneaky trips out of Ludicael that she would ensure her siblings would know nothing about. Or, rather, try to ensure.

It was on this day that she traversed the realm of the east with chin held high and tail flagged just a tad above even, mismatched eyes devouring everything in her path, analyzing and calculating and making up stories for every scratch upon a rock or score upon a slab of bark. It was in her confident adventures that she discovered the large fae, drawn by the sound of what sounded to her like very angry fishing. A flare of her nostrils brought a foreign but somehow familiar scent to her attention--something she swore she'd smell on her mother once--as well as the fact that she was still outside of the border. Odd hues mingled in the fur of the other, different from her own but similar in their rarity.

The woman was much larger than the pup--probably twice her age and well more than twice her size. Lip curled up ever-so-slightly and audits twitched a tad back, eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Whadda'ya doin' out here?" she asked, tone a little demanding. Despite the fact that Jupiter had never had any intentions of structuring her pack as a monarchy, Aegira still felt as if she were the rightful princess of the affiliation, and assigned herself a relative degree of power despite the fact she had none.

"And what'd the river ever do to ya?" she inquired, glancing at where the water was finally settling, its glow fading. Chrome and celestial eyes examined the other with relentless scrutiny, head still tilted a bit upwards and stature undying in its confidence, unafraid of the big wolf that stood at their borders. She'd seen big wolves before and this one was about as big as her mother, if not a little smaller, but it was also obvious that this one was much younger than her parent, too, and would get bigger. As long as the she-wolf didn't experience a gargantuan growth spurt in the next minute, though, Aegira was unafraid and relentless in her pride.