
I hate everything about this

Zee fish attempt



The Hallows
High Councilor

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07-28-2019, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2019, 04:42 PM by Sirius.)
He looked to Zee as laughter escaped her, and he flicked his tail towards her. He didn’t move any closer, so it was a very lazy attempt at retaliation. He harrumphed at her, especially when she joked about pushing him in. “I’ll remember that next time we spar.” he warned her. He still needed to wrestle her into another match. He hadn’t anticipated her being so cunning in her attempt to get out of them.

He would then watch as she scooted closer to the edge, and attempted to fish with the paw method. Honestly, he didn’t know why - it wasn’t like he knew what he was doing. When had he learned to fish? In Ashen? The waters had dried up, and the famine had set in. no, not then.

He ducked his head back into the water, determined to show her he could face his fears, and held his breath for longer this time, eyes open to the cool blue world beyond as he snapped his jaws in another attempt to snag a fish.

(4th attempt)