
Ten Thousand Lightening Bugs

Firefly catching!



4 Years

Treat 2019
07-29-2019, 07:59 PM

While she was willing to accept him as a friend, Thoren was a bit more reserved in his friendships. The dwarf skepticism was a strong part of his personality. He was friendly enough but he held everyone but those closest to him at arms length. Her warm, reassuring smile was welcome- despite how wary he was. Thoren listened intently as she spoke about his native tongue and home, following the question that everyone wanted to know…what was he doing here? For a moment he was silent, trying to find the right words. “My sister…I was told to bring her home. Gone too long.” He answered, certain words carrying a thicker accent than others. “Complicated because she is with pups. I can’t drag her back, so stuck here.” He didn’t mean for it to sound…brutish…or like he was an asshole, he was just following orders but even they were put on hold when he found out Dutch was with pups.

Her encouragement was a welcome relief; he fully expected laughter, as he attempted her method. It was a bit trickier than just killing them…but at least he didn’t have such a bad taste left in his mouth. “How do you order bird?” He asked as he watched the raven bring in what bugs it had caught before fluttering off again. That would be handy right now…although he much preferred something with thumbs to help with herbs. As they went along, Thoren would give Shaye the space to catch her own bugs, but was close enough that they could carry an easy conversation while he attempted to catch his own. Once more he tried to roughly nudge bugs into the bag before circling around to ‘tie’ it to prevent their escape.

"Thoren is attempting to catch lightening bugs with Shaye!"