
Ten Thousand Lightening Bugs

Firefly catching!



4 Years

Treat 2019
07-29-2019, 08:16 PM

Thoren shrugged slightly, he wasn’t exactly sure what the plan would be… “She doesn’t want to go…even after…I’d have to take her from her pups…I’d be outcast if I did that. I’d be outcast if I don’t bring her back.” Perhaps it was a bit of an exaggeration on if he disobeyed and failed to bring Dutch back but he doubted it was far from the truth. They certainly wouldn’t trust him for important jobs any more, even as one of the bigger wolves in the tunnels. He was supposed to be trusted to defend or bring others back when needed…if he couldn’t bring his own sister back, why trust him with someone else?

Thoren certainly didn’t mind the surface world…at night. During the day, however, was a completely different story. As she explained the relationship she had with the bird (the one that stared at him in such a way that he wanted to snap at it but refrained from doing so) he would regard them with wonder and interest. “Bird is smart?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. Thoren clearly thought they were dumb creatures meant for lesser purposes…like dinner…or a snack... He was not aware that they had such thought processes and will power.

The dwarf was also quite curious about the mention of a pack. He was versed on them enough to know that they were family and non-familial wolves that came together and lived together and trusted one another. He was not sure what a ‘second’ was… “Tell me about your pack?” He asked, innocent as it was, he did understand if she chose not to tell him anything- who wanted to spill the secrets of their family?

"Thoren is attempting to catch lightening bugs with Shaye!"