Anchovies on Pizza
07-30-2019, 06:48 PM
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see
Éldi chuckled at the girl's sarcasm. If there was one thing he could appreciate it was a healthy level of moxie. Reminded him a bit of himself at that age. He'd been born big and rotund and that made him a prime target for teasing. "Well, like with all things it takes practice. I'd be happy to pass on what I know but I'm afraid its not too much. My specialties lie more in deer though I'd like to get better at catching fish." Speaking of, he felt if he wanted something a bit bigger he was going to need to wade out a bit farther and so he did til the water was midway up his chest. Lowering his head he held perfectly still and then when the opportune moment presented itself his head dove down to snatch at a fish.