
my momma done told me


08-07-2013, 06:08 AM

Whatever was going on with Orica, she seemed to be truly upset, and Ocena didn't push it just yet. These things would come to light with time, and it would do more harm than good for Ocena to force her daughter to explain what was going on. She either would or she wouldn't. It was time for Orica to begin growing up anyhow, as hard as it was for Ocena to admit, which meant she could largely make her own choices. But Orica was far from an adult just yet, and Ocena hoped that her daughter would explain soon enough.

Until then, however, it was enough to explain a little something of her father's past. A smile warmed Ocena's features as Orica explained what she knew. It wasn't much, but it was a place to start. "Your father? He was, well... He's why I believe in good within bad, and in wolves being able to change." She had personal experience in what her daughter was asking about, and maybe it would be enough to soothe whatever doubts afflicted her darling daughter. "It's not so simple as 'bad' or 'good.' Your father is and was a complex wolf." Did she believe that the world was black and white? Well, maybe this would shake things up a bit. Show her some shades of grey.

Ears twitching, Ocena examined her daughter thoughtfully. She obviously didn't know all of Gargoyle's past, didn't know everything about him. And maybe he wouldn't want their daughter to know what he knew, but Ocena thought that it might be the right time to explain a little something of their family history. "Your father, well, before he returned to Glaciem, he was a member of another pack. A darker pack, one that killed more often than was needed. And he lived there for a while, killing and fighting other wolves." Well, she wasn't exactly about to start dropping details on Orica just yet. She would keep things suitably detail-less, at least for a little while yet. She didn't want to give her daughter nightmares, just some answers. "But the wolf that he was back then is different from the wolf that he is now. He lived for the kill back then, and bloodlust ruled him. It took him a long time to change himself, to rework himself into something different. But he did, and I did my best to help him. It wasn't easy, and I can't pretend that I know how it feels to change yourself like that, but he is living proof that is possible, if a wolf is willing to put in the effort. All I could do was be there. It is something that a wolf has to do by themselves. They have to want it. If you're the only one who wants them to change, well, they're not going to." Would that be enough? Would it settle whatever doubts plagued her dearest daughter? Ocena hoped so. She knew that Gargoyle's past was no fairy tale, but her questions were deep ones, and ones that deserved a proper answer. If Orica had sought her out to ask these kinds of things, well, it was Ocena's duty as a mother to answer them as best she could.
