



3 Years
Extra large
07-30-2019, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2019, 01:09 AM by Aiden.)
A festival! It as something he’d never attended, and never heard of, but something he was absolutely willing to try. Especially now; he’d fallen into a funk once he had returned home, and he itched to do something. This was the perfect opportunity, and the second he heard of it, he started to head out. He wasn’t far now; there was a path to follow that made it easy. He felt iffy going alone, but figured he’d run into the pack there; Corvus hadn’t been at his den, so Aiden figured he was either busy or already at the festival himself, because Aiden was arriving rather… late. Cause, that’s what moping did.

He paused on the shore of the mainland, looking out at the gently bobbing glowing jars. How they made those contraptions, Aiden had no idea – they were not something he thought he could make with his own paws.  They were very impressive, however, and he wondered what else they could be used to store. Herbs, maybe? To shelter them from the elements? After all, it was sheltering the fireflies from the ocean waters.

He was mostly just procrastinating. He’d heard it was quite a journey to get over to the festival, from island to island until he was at the big one, and he wasn’t looking forward to it. Slight and fast he was, but stamina and endurance was not his forte. It was something he’d need to use for this. With a sigh, he plunged into the water.
Was it hours that went by? He left at mid morning, and it was still day, but he was absolutely exhausted. He was on the verge of collapse, and he had given himself many breaks; there just wasn’t much left from him. But he was there. He had arrived. Sopping wet, exhausted, and teetering on his paws, he squinted at the cloaked figure. He couldn’t even tell what it was, so thoroughly cloaked in darkness it was. He nodded quietly to the figure, and staggered away; oof, he needed a nap. But he was also hungry.

He knew fishing was a thing, so he scooted himself over to where some groups of people were. Maybe he could fish something to eat real quick. It didn’t take long for him to find what he considered a decent spot: not a lot of wolves, deeper water that hadn’t been disturbed yet from the looks of it. It’d be a good try. He wasn’t too certain what fish were even there, but he’d try anyway.

Completely still he waited, his eyes searching the water eagerly. He knew he had to be patient – he scared the fish wading in. He had to wait for them to come back. But minutes passed by and back they came. He slowly tensed up, before lunging his face into the water, just in front of a fish swimming in that direction. If he plotted right, that fish would end up in his jaws by the time they snapped together. If not… well, he was going to stay hungry.
