
caravan blues

seasonal prompt, twig



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-31-2019, 11:18 AM
Twig’s bright violet stare followed the woman’s attention to the herd that wasn’t so far off. The young Memoire girl listened intently, finding the first part of the plan simple. Most of the time simple was better, it gave you more room to maneuver when things went awry. Twig would nod approvingly, Morgan, as she came to be called, knew the strengths and weaknesses of both of their bodies. Autumn was a quick little thing, while Morgan had more weight to back her up. Twig would act as a buffer between the older doe and the herd.

”Twig, if you need anything.” The Memoire girl offered as she came up the rear. The two would remain close for long, the young she wolf found a place with enough cover that she could remain hidden until her partner startled the deer into moving. She just had to keep their target from reuniting with the rest of the group. Twig settled in to wait for movement, and as Morgan emerged from the forest Twig darted from the trees.

Her added presence scared the jumpy creatures further, and she placed herself between the older beast and the herd. She snapped menacingly towards the fleeting animals and their tails raised in obvious alarm. None remained to help the old timer, not that any of them should. Twig’s attention was returned to their target and her partner. Morgan had the creature round the leg, but that was no safe place to be.

The young Memoire girl raced forward to catch the creature’s attention. She snapped her teeth and charged the animal fiercely. She didn’t have much of an opening with the flailing hooves aimed at her face, but it was enough to be immediately distracted from the assault from the rear. She moch charged a second time as movement was caught from the corner of her eye. She backed away to keep herself safe as her attention was brought to the sudden appearance of a huge mountain lion.

It was easily the biggest of its species that she had seen. The tom’s shoulders were wide and muscular, and its teeth far more intimidating than her own. Twig panicked, and retreated closer to where Morgan was. They had to keep the deer, and fend of the giant cat. Likely the doe’s injuries to its hind leg were enough to keep it from going far if Morgan was forced to release it. Twig growled deeply as her brows furrowed and her hackles raised. She fell into a fighting stance and growled more heavily.

With ears lowered to her skull and her joints bent her attention quickly fell most heavily on the cat. She barked angrily, letting the beast know they were not going to give up their find so easily. Twig made an attempt to use the same approach she’d used for the deer. With all her courage she took a deep breath and mock charged the big cat. Her teeth snapped as she barked, spittle flew as her fur bristled all along her back.

The cat fell back as she did, intimidated enough to hold off its attack, Twig spared a glance at Morgan and the deer, wondering if she should have stepped in more heavily with their catch.

WC: 545