
This is the beat of my heart

Birth thread



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-02-2019, 03:31 AM
The days were growing shorter and the nights even more so. She had well moved out of her brother's den and into her new one, she had dug it to accommodate growing children and herself. She even had refused her nephew's help except to have him near to give her company when she dug. She was likely to soft on him, but she felt that's what he lacked, the softness of a mother figure. Rhyme always drove him hard and shaye seemed to do the same. It didnt hurt to let the boy have some time to just sit and for once be a kid with the attention of her on him.

She was laying inside as night rolled on. Her stomach was clenching and she knew enough to know it was labor, but yet she refused to call upon her brother. He would just freak out anyway and she didnt want to trouble him any more than she already had. She just layed there whining as another contraction hit her. Rhyme would likely be by in a few hours anyway, and it would be done. Best not to disturb his sleep, he got so little of it now a days anyway. She fidgeted as she tried to remain comfortable in her bed of furs. For Rhyme to get to her in the den he'd have to squeeze down the main entrance or find her bolt hole, which was dug to start as a small hole but widen to easily allow someone larger than Rhyme to get out it. She'd made sure this den was not easy to invade.

As the night rolled on her contractions grew fiercer and closer together. Her ears pressed and she squeezed her eyes shut. It was likely only an hour till dawn but she was ready. She pushed as hard as she could and within a minute she had her first child. She scooped up the mess of pup and cleaned him until he was only wet from her. He was like a night sky, with white clouds dancing over him. He was also huge. She was panting from it and pain was there. She'd be in for a long day at this rate.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]