
I'm back Bitches! (re joining)


07-20-2013, 09:25 PM

Whom approached her was not someone that she was hoping for, not someone who she knew before she vanished from the pack. Her eyes landed upon the male whom was not more than her age at least. This brute showed no hostility to her, but the stance of defense still radiated off of her. Who was this brute that stood before her, he seemed familiar to her but not at the same time. Many words rushed through her mind as she looked over the male. Then the silence was broken by the words of him, he spoke of disastrous changes with in Tortuga, that it was not what it was before. Her ears perked up as she looked at the male, this was something that she was not prepared to hear. 'So who was in control now? What changes dose this brute mean, how much has changed?' Before Tikkani could answer him, a dame soon came out from behind. Her eye landed on her and the sight that she saw shocked her."Morphine." She said in a low whisper. The sight was something that shocked her, Tikaani knew that with the presence of morphine here, and what the brute said about change. This must be one of the changes that he met.

Before Tikaani could speak her question was answered by Morphine, Tikaani waited for her to finish speaking before she spoke. "So it is you Morphine who has taken the opportunity to snatch the rank of Alpha when things were the bleakest."She spoke as she too took a seat upon the ground and looked between the brute and the new alpha of Tortuga. Tikaani's ears swiveled as she begun to talk once more."So Morphine if you may tell me the details of what had happened to my birth pack of Tortuga" She said waiting for morphine to reply to what she had said.


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