
Brace yourselves




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-31-2019, 07:08 PM
She was right, he was falling into the rhythms of drama he had seen around him, but never before participated in. Was that what love did to you? Ripped apart your sanity and left you bare. He was like a fool, growling before her. He had made a mistake, now he had to own it. He straightened, looking to Zee as he let his internal war rage on. Something about her dragged his emotions through the mud and left him feeling confused. Now, her words slapped him out of it just as easily as they had dragged him in. Damn woman, who knew they made life so complicated. "I'm no victom." He clarified. He knew exactly what he was.

"Let me start again." It wasnt a question. He held his distance from her as the giant chewed through his words mentally, and came upon something he found acceptable, even if they weren't exactly the easiest to hear. "I told you to sleep in your ledge, not my bed. You chose not to do so, and it had consequences. Those consequences are mightier then your actions, but sometimes that's life." Yeah, that was going to go down well with her. "I chose not to tell you what I experianced, and now I have to live with the knowledge that I hurt you, when I could have prevented it."
As much as this was going to stick in his mind for a long time, he knew she had gotten the shorter end of the stick.

She said she loved him, and he held onto that, and tries not to let it tie his emotions into knots again. He kept it a soft, exasperated sigh, because he couldn't figure out for the life if him why she did. For that matter, why he lived her. She was a thorn in his side, with her attitude and actions, always getting then both into trouble. But he did, he really did love her. "Your right, it will never happen again." He said, his voice falling soft again, but he kept any anguish from it. This wasnt some play, he wasnt going to be groveling at her feet in tears. He would face what he had done on his paws.