
waiting for this moment to be free



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-31-2019, 08:14 PM
Kai was admittedly grateful that Rhyme didn't press the topic of him joining Abaven in the future - Kai would certainly be a shitty pack member, not that he'd ever decide to settle down in a pack. The thought was nearly laughable, though he wouldn't question anyone's choice to live such a life - and his attention suddenly shifting to the slightly flirtatious way he was suggesting Rhyme take some time to enjoy himself, though it seemed his implications fell on deaf ears.

Ah well. He wouldn't press that subject, either. Being oblivious wasn't all that different from being disinterested, and Kai wasn't going to continue along that train of thought without any interest being thrown back at him. "Better enjoy it, then," Kai commented idly, his grin more friendly now, losing that suggestive edge it had taken on momentarily before. "No children myself, though that's certainly something I'd like someday." When I'm ready, he thought to himself, though he wasn't quite sure when that would be - or if he'd ever be ready. How would he know? Feeling unsure about anything wasn't something he was used to, and he'd found himself wishing sometimes, when dwelling on this topic, that he had his father to turn to for guidance. "I can imagine fatherhood must be... fulfilling?" Kai finished his own sentence curiously, glancing over to Rhyme to see what he had to say about this thought.