
The Weird Things About Me


07-20-2013, 09:47 PM
Little ol Wolf throwing her weird self at yous peeps:

-I hate people. I honestly do. They irk me. People are so judgmental and always jump to conclusions and it just pisses me off how everyone is so freaking stereotypical towards everything and everyone. I'm such an open-minded person and none-judgmental person and the fact that most of the world is the opposite makes me wish I could live as a wolf.

-Sometimes I wish I was born a wolf. I swear, in my head, I believe myself to be an actual wolf. I already have the weird eyes that change color, so if only I could get my body to cooperate and switch forms, I'd be golden. I'm so convinced of my true inner wolf that I've even gotten my fianc? to jump aboard and believe the same thing lol I can even growl XD

-I hate females. Most of 'em anyway. Well better said, I hate the female gender. (not meaning any of the amazing ala ladies haha) There are so many stereotypes that come along with females and we as a whole just have such a bad reputation it makes me wish I wasn't apart of the female gender

-As many of you might know, or maybe not, Wolfy is a full blooded LATINA haha 50% Mexican, and 50% Nicaraguense(Central American for you peeps that don't know what that is) I speak, write, and read fluent Spanish and Spanish is my native language.

-I'm a walking contradiction. My first name is Russian, my middle name is French, I'm white skinned and a latina. Makes no sense right? haha

-Though I am a girl, I much prefer to hang out with guys. They are a lot less drama, to me anyway, and are so much cooler than chicks. I was that chick in hs that hung out specifically with just a group of guys haha like a BOSS

And yea, tis little ol' Wolf :D