
Haust Blót



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
08-01-2019, 08:12 AM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2019, 08:13 AM by Eyrún.)

It was time.

It'd been a long while since Eyrún had participated in a blót and she was thrilled Valkyrie was choosing to carry on a tradition so important to her. Generally they were attended by family members and group members, but finding stragglers creeping in to see what was going on was never unusual. Back in their homelands, though, most knew what this sort of event was all about.. here, she was pretty sure few would know, which made her feel simply elated. Spreading the word of her gods and the culture of her people was something she was always eager to do, and as soon as the blót began her mood was soaring as high as the sky.

She couldn't help but wonder if the sacrifice portion of the event would be as well-received by these wolves as it was by her own. Just how pleased would their gods be with them if they saw just how many wolves were here? Her eyes widened as she approached - a fair bit later than she'd been hoping, but she'd been making some preparations of her own. By the time she arrived the sun had already begun to sink below the horizon - the sight was awe-inspiring, from the orange and pinks that spread over the rapidly darkening sky to the fire that had begun to burn and signal the beginning of the blót.

A dreamy sigh fell from her lips, her attention shifting to her fellow band-mates. Most of them were already here, which pleased her, and after a moment of consideration she directed her attention to Dagfinn and Dutch. A wry grin touched her lips as she sauntered over to the two of them, winking as she nudged Dutch and slid in beside her. "Mind if I.. sample some of your goods, Dag?" She inquired, overly suggestively, as she leaned in to Dag.

But she didn't have time to get an answer before Valkyrie was speaking, explaining in vague terms why they were here. The grin slid off her face, replaced by a far more serious expression as she fell silent and directed her attention to Alfrun, who was next to speak. Oh, this was going to be fun..