
love to romance 'em


07-20-2013, 10:52 PM


At Ocena's questioning of if she had considered joining a pack. Her head tipped to the side as she considered it. "I don't really think I've ever considered it. I dunno why, it just hasn't crossed my mind. It is a good idea though. I'll certainly think about it." It was defintely something to consider. It would keep her from having to be lonely and she wouldn't have to worry about being alone when night fell any more. There was certainly a lot of things to think about though before she made a decision.

Syne's ears fell back against her head and her face warmed as she blushed with embarrassment when the small black and white fea informed her that the brute, apparently named Gargoyle, was her mate. She groaned and covered her eyes with her paw for a moment. Of course he was! She felt awful for thinking all those bad things about him now after she had learned that his kind woman was his mate, although she couldn't stop herself from thinking that she was certainly his better half. She looked at her apologetically, a small, shy smile on her muzzle.
"I feel like I should apologize for thinking that your mate was a pompous jerk. See, I ran into him in the Serpent Plains a while back and he was cooling off in the river and a snake was going to bite him so I jumped in the water, thinking I was going to save him. Well, long story short, I tossed the snake off into the forest only to find out that it couldn't hurt him away for whatever reason. I got really angry with him and stormed off before I could even ask how he was resistant poison." The brown-marked fea chuckled and shrugged, feeling incredibly silly about the whole situation.