
Jars, Jars, Jars

Firefly catching



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-03-2019, 12:04 AM

He glanced back and forth between the two women as they exchanged snarky words to one another. Not that he knew what snarky meant just yet but they sounded like Theta did all the time. He shook his head, not wanting to think about his bratty sister anymore. Every thought he had of her just ruined his mood and he was not going to let that ruin his fun at the festival anymore. He took a step forward as the star clad girl with the funny feet showed him a different method to catching the fireflies. He tilted his head as he watched her swat at the fireflies, and he wondered if he'd still be able to do that with his own normal wolf feet. He sat back on his haunches and did as she did, lifting his torso up and stretched his still short forelegs forward as he tried to swat down some bugs. Unfortunately for him, he didn't quite have the balance that adults did yet and flopped over onto his side with a dull thud. Well...that was kind of embarrassing.

"Sure, why don't you help me out?" "Really?!" He exclaimed as he scrambled to his feet, his prior embarrassment completely forgotten. He peeked into her jar to see how many bugs she had, and nodded. "Okay I'll help! My name is Incendio, it's nice to meet you uh..Rage'n hider!" Okay, so he couldn't quite pronounce her name at all yet, but maybe one day..."When you said catch them with something sweet, do you mean with like...berries or something?" He glanced between the two, wondering if that would work or if there was something else.

Incendio attempt 4
