
Bubba Gumps Shrimp

Fish with Incendio/meet & greet



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
08-03-2019, 12:09 AM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2019, 01:45 AM by Lyra.)
Lyra was focused on her hunting, which in this case was involving a particular species of shallow water fish called bone fish. Lyra noticed these guys due to the weird taste of them she rather liked - and she wanted to get good at catching them. The irritating thing about them was that they were fast, they noticed her quickly, and it was hard for her to catch them. The ones she got previously were out of sheer luck, but now she was hunting them - especially now that she was in their territory. Even now, as she lunged for one, she knew she would fail. She was trying anyway, though.

Unfortunately, their territory was also full of bloody craps. Lyra stiffled a yelp as she stepped on yet another crab, and she shook her paw violently in the water to get it to detach. The seagrass was wonderful to walk through, minus all the pointy things that liked to poke her. Like crabs. Bleh.

Without realizing it, she had crept closer and closer to where the pup was - unnoticed until the sun hit that brilliant orange coat in a way that caught Lyra's attention. "Hmm?" She swung her head around in curiousity, pausing when she laid eyes on the puppy. Eh? A pup? In the water? Alone? Her head immediately swung to shore, as she searched for a guardian of some sort - which, thankfully, there was. Nodding her head to the lady in the distance who seemed to be watching - and was also bright bloody orange - she closed the distance between her and the pup, head cocked curiously.

"These fish are pretty hard to catch," she told him quietly. "They're tasty though, if you're able to catch one. They're fast, and can propel themselves through this grass, and they have a very keen sense for danger. You'll have to surprise them, and predict where they'll go or you miss," she explained.

This post 3/10

"Speech" "You"

art by rainbowglaze123