
Jars, Jars, Jars

Firefly catching



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
08-03-2019, 01:37 AM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2019, 01:38 AM by Lyra.)
Lyra merely quirked an eyebrow. Clearly, someone didn't like being asked what she was. Alright then, no big deal. "Perhaps in this," she said easily, with little to no hesitation. "You still didn't answer the question," she noted aloud, almost lazily, glancing back at the wolf-thing .She didn't really care if it was rude or not; her intent wasn't malicious, but curious - albeit rude. She honestly didn't really care that much. "Are you one of those dog-wolf hybrid creatures?" she guessed. It was the only thing that she could think of to cause such features, especially the floppy ears. She'd never seen a full wolf with floppy ears before - that was absolutely a dog trait, leftover from the human's pets.

Lyra once again quirked an eyebrow at the strange wolf-mix. "No one's having an 'sour attitude' here, except perhaps for you. If you don't want to get asked when you look like some sort of wolf-dog hybrid creature, don't go out; the world and those in it aren't going to just ignore and pretend something isn't strange when it is. So calm down and stop being fussy about being asked a perfectly reasonable question, especially when there's plenty of non-wolf creatures here already." And to her - it was reasonable. She understood that many believed that such things were rude and impolite to ask; to her, that was just idiotic thinking. So what's better - asking the person forthright? Or whispering, guessing, and assuming behind their back? She would rather ask. It was a silly custom to refrain from asking about others anyway. "Regardless, thank you for the advice." As she spoke, she also used that time to focus on trying to swat some flies down.

With that, she switched her attention back to the pup, who tried her method... and failed, immediately. Wincing in sympathy, she realized that reaching up like that... wasn't the easiest. The balance and muscle it required wasn't too significant, but it was more than an average pup could manage. "Sorry, kiddo. I forgot how hard that was. You did very good with that; many adults can struggle with that."

She glanced back at the jar the hybrid-looking wolf was holding. "Hmm, this would have been a good time for some of the rotten or fermented fruit from the orchids," she murmured. "Too bad... Normal berries could seem to work though?"

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"Speech" "You"

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