
Bubba Gumps Shrimp

Fish with Incendio/meet & greet



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-03-2019, 02:19 PM

He had been focused on trying to catch the fish that darted around him that he didn't notice the approach of the star-clad girl until she whispered to him. He turned to look at her, listening to every word she said before looking at the water again. The sea grass moved with the current, and he could see the flashing silver fist as they lazily swam about. He had seen other fish before, but wasn't sure what the difference was with catching them all. "What kinda fish are they?" He questioned curiously, though copied her and kept his voice down so he didn't scare them away. One curious fish slowly swam closer to him as he stood there, but as soon as he made any sort of move it turned and darted away. Aw man! That could've been an easy one! Frowning, he slowly stalked forward as slow as he could manage until he was standing among the slimy feeling grass. His face contorted into a look of disgust at the feeling, but he supposed it was one of those things he'd have to deal with when fishing. Practically rocking on his heels in anticipation, he eyed a couple of the fish as they looked at him with wide, unblinking eyes. It was pretty creepy if you asked him. Didn't fish ever blink?

He surveyed the surroundings for a moment, trying to think of which direction the fish might go. Breathing a heavy sigh, he rocked back on his heels and jumped forward and a little to his left. A loud "Hah!" left him as he jumped forward, and almost as soon as he moved, the fish started to dart around. Hopefully...he'd catch one, though he wasn't totally sure how to catch these particular fish. At least someone was with him that could teach him!

Attempt 4
