
you say i'm mad

ft chrys



2 Years
08-03-2019, 08:20 PM
he had no idea how long he had been running. his paws ached, burned, for release that he refused to give them. he could take it. he could stand to hurt more. it's all he ever really knew how to be. a worthless mutt, too weak to stand on his own. the lifeless body of his sister swam into vision but no tears would come. nothing formed for her. he just needed to get away and he didn't care whose body he had to climb over to get out. whether it was Theodora's or his captors... he'd prevail. panting heavily as he entered this land he didn't know the fuck the name of, Thaddeus would allow himself a second to pause. his piss-colored eyes darted wildly around him, a warning growl for anything nearby echoed in his sunken chest. as soon as he gasped for air, he was off again.

his own coat was littered with scarring, both old and new, and bloody and filthy. he hadn't had a good wash in a while and he probably smelled like shit. he didn't really care. he didn't care about anything right now. at random, he picked a direction and walked quickly around his new surroundings. the orchard was slowly dropping the fruit from the trees, content to go into hibernation until spring came once more. the mutt didn't register the scents and potential voices around him. he walked, and walked and walked some more until his body gave out. with a surprised grunt, he felt himself stumble. then he tripped. his chin smacked against the hard ground and he tasted blood. another snarl threatened to overtake him, but it left his body in a pathetic whimper.

Theodora's lifeless form sat across his vision once more and he curled his body tightly to try and rid himself of it. how he didn't help her. how he failed to notice. what an utter fool he had been. "damn it" he'd curse softly, fumbling to place both long limbs over his eyes to try and resist sobbing. everything hurt. every action caused him to scream internally. but he absolutely refused to show weakness despite inner turmoil.
thaddeus is rated mature due to some assumed content in his posts and history
be advised that role-playing with him can trigger others, and any thread will be marked M if it includes it