
my momma done told me



07-21-2013, 04:21 AM


Orica seemed to have lucked out, or at the very least, her mother didn't seem to have been worried. The girl breathed a silent sigh of relief at the sight of the older fae. They could've been two peas in a pod, espically considering, that with Orica's hieght, she would be as tall as her mother by the time she was a yearling - and would probably keep growing several more inches. Of course, Avalon and Gali seemed to have gotten the real hieght genes in the family, but Orica was content to be somewhere in the middle. She could hold her own amongst the rummblings of her siblings, but her true calling was to be a healer. She didn't have to fight the wars, just clean up after them - which, even in her young mind, she recognized as often being the harder job. But her calling was only a small part of what she wished to talk about. She was relieved Ocena hadn't noticed her abscense, mainly because it meant Orica could go right to the questions. But how? She didn't want to blurt out everything that had happened - no no, that would never do. The girl had to sit down and mull over exactly what she wanted to know. Her mother would have the answers, of course she would. That's what mother's were for.

Orica had given a beaming smile before, but now her face grew lined with thought. Her big blue eyes turned serious and pensive. Her tail beside her hips and tapped the ground with it thoughtfully. "Mother," she murmured. "I've-I've been thinking alot lately, and I'm curious. Do you think that wolves can change? Can bad wolves become good wolves? Can good wolves, become bad wolves? And if so - how? And how do you know when they've really made a switch like that?" Heavy stuff for a yearling. Twin sapphires gazed up at the mother with a smoldering curiosity that would be not denied.
