
The descent to Hell is easy...

Deathbelle & Archon



4 Years
Extra large
08-04-2019, 11:52 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2019, 05:21 PM by Dea.)
It had taken her a little while to follow Archon into the pack lands. She had mostly stuck to the outer edges of its borders until she finally wrestled herself into a corner. If she continued to refuse to enter the pack, Dea knew there would be consequences. Though her personal...apprehension about entering the pack would not factor into the equation, Dea wasn't sure this would even be a good idea for her. She was never meant to be a follower, but she had given her word to Archon and as a result, her bond to him saw her lower her head in a momentary defeat. Fine... She thought to herself, the Demon King's daughter would consign herself to the will of another.

A short and polite summoning howl would be sent out, though she knew most leaders kept their border patrols rather tight. Dea didn't want to keep Archon waiting much longer. He would come looking for her swollen form, and to make him worry would be a punishment he did not deserve. Her pink eyes scanned over the expanse of this particular location, with the lake in sight and a promise of something great. She waited silently, a secret smile across her maw as she felt life stir within her. Soon, little ones... She thought to herself and the babes within her belly, something made her heart swell stronger than when she was around Archon. Dea was unfamiliar with the feeling, and had no name for it, but she knew she would die protecting the life within her.

This was simply another way to protect them, and herself, from Archon's wrath. She had yet to see any of that directed at herself, but she would not leave his side even if it was shown. The plea for concert had been directed at the leader of this pack and for Archon. All she had now was waiting and secret sensations that made her smile.

((OOC: Bleh, tis crap, but will improve XDD))

Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
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