
A frozen Waste


02-04-2013, 08:36 PM
The last thing that had came across her mind was Thane yelling at her to hurry up and get inside the cave. The winds was blowing in all directions and you could see the trees bend nearly a full 90 degrees. Ookami was trying her hardest to get to the cave, but a strong gust of wind took her up into the sky. Her small frame lifted off the ground and she was consumed into a swirling mass of debree. Ookami thought she herd the cries of her love as she vanished into the mass, She remembers getting hit with tons of debree. That was the last thing that crossed her mind as she blacked out into a vast dark of nothing.

Waking up Ookami found her self laying on ice. Her eyes scanned the area looking for anyone someone, She let out a call for Thane as she tried to get up.Her legs wobbled like they were made out of jello, and sharp pains filled her head as she came to the standing position. Her eyes were trying to adjust a bit more as she stood there. It took about a minute until her eyes were open to a valley of nothing but ice. This area was beautiful but yet for some reason she could not help but think on how she ended up here. Still thinking about things that had went on she begun to move to find her self slipping with each steps. The ice was surely slick on her feet and if you were to look at her she would look like a spider with roller skates on.

With every move of her body she was struggling to keep her self up. Ookami raised her head to the sky and called out once more for Thane, anyone actually. Lowering her head she soon came back to that night, the storm was much stronger than either one had predicted it to be, and she was just a split second to slow and it took her up in to the sky like she was nothing but a piece of dirt. She shook her head and looked at her white front paws. They were drenched in red blood that seemed to have dried up and healed already, That made Ookami wonder on how long she was out, and if they all but giving up on finding her. Shaking that thought off she continued to walk, it took a few tries before she could walk on the ice with no problem.

Coming up to a cliff type thing Ookami sat down and looked over the iced land, It was beautiful but she could not help but think she was seeing movement below, maybe her mind was still shaken up from her experiences, She shook it off and sat there just looking out at the land that was full of wonder.