
Talkin' to myself ain't as fun



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
08-04-2019, 06:18 PM

It was a shame that whoever was putting on this festival didn't have slightly darker interests. Catching bugs and fish and digging in the dirt was fine - she could think of a lot of things that would be far more boring - but the thought of other activities sounded much more appealing. The thought of throwing a group of wolves into a pit to fight, and seeing who came out alive, definitely sounded like a much more entertaining competition... she quietly stored the thought in the back of her mind for later to bring up to Valkyrie. Perhaps they could even make bets on who'd win. Now that sounded like her kind of festival.

This one... not so much. But there were prizes, which definitely interested her enough to keep her here until the end. Knowing there wasn't much time left to finish up fishing, Eyrun headed to the beach once again. To her pleasure, someone else was already sitting nearby, and this time it wasn't a young kid and his cat friend. Thank the gods for better company. An amused sort of grin touched her lips as she sauntered closer, leaving a fair distance between the two of them as she visually searched the waters. It seemed like Dominus was having some luck in this spot, so why not take advantage of it? "Great minds think alike," she commented simply, maintaining that faint grin as she stalked forward, snapping jaws aiming at the frigid water to begin catching fish of her own.