
Leave your heart on the table [Joining]



07-21-2013, 12:35 PM

OOC here!

She didn?t feel convincing, she felt like just an idiot who was making a fool of herself. She gazed up, though not direct eye contact, as she wasn?t going to dare start a fight, at the alpha of the lands who had introduced herself as Jupiter. She stopped shaking, feeling like that was what was making her feel so awkward around them. "My greetings lady Jupiter, I?m Arya? Arya Salivanti.? She said to introduce herself, it was in truth, her name, though she wondered why she used her real name instead of her ?name? that she went by for assignments. She normally went by Elettra or maybe even Rosealia, depending on the case.

She found herself going soft, like she was no longer worth the title of assassin. "I know not where I am going; only that I am looking for a place to start new, I don?t have the best past, and I?ve done things I?m not proud of." That was the only indication she gave of her former work, and she hoped that they wouldn?t pry on the subject of her and killing, she wasn?t lying per say, it was very complicated. She didn?t have the best past, and sometimes she regretted agreeing to kill the wolves, sometimes they were very young, barely out of puphood, so she was looking for a new start. All she had to offer was her claws.

Her brown eyes had a reflection to them, one that confused her. Perhaps it was envy, or want. Did she want a pack, a place where she could be an integrated member of? She decided yes, and so she stated it outright. "If it would be alright with you, I would seek acceptance as a member of Ludicael, I find myself better with guarding and attacking those who threaten packs though." The words rang true, and there was another part of her past that she was far from proud of, killing her parent, her mother.

However, she was better at fighting; it was what she was raised to her. Her pack had been quite different, loners showed respect by cowering before pack members. Dominance was always displayed highly by alphas and the lower members always submitted in the deepest regards. They each had a role and everything ran smoothly. Alphas were the only ones to have pups in her old pack too, a rule that if broken, led to the pups being left to die and the parents being exiled.

Arya Salivanti

what do we say to death? not today.