


07-21-2013, 12:47 PM
user posted image

Her body was tense. She could feel every muscle pulling and bunching along her back. Her stress was still vibrating threw her body. First, that memory, the hauntings of it, followed her like whispers on the wind, fragments of a broken death that she could not quite put back together. All she knew was her father had died by the hands of a wolf with burning orange eyes. Eyes that painted death where they gazed and called her lord and master his creator. Now, face to face, another memory rode the coattails of her father?s death. Eyes wide with longing and unfinished desires. Eyes that had stolen her heart and made her feel something more then she had ever thought herself capable of.

It was difficult to keep her mind sound. So many things were pulling and tugging her in different directions. They wanted their home. They wanted Jupiter?s head. She had so many things to figure out, and so many deaths to plan. Her tail coiled securely around her legs. The lack luster flirtation hadn?t slipped her mind. She was a woman of multi affections. However, Zara had been the first to secure her heart before Kaios had come and stolen it. Her violet eyes remained focused and dead as they watched the efforts of this woman to play nice. It made her skin crawl. Her ears twitched at the words that escaped the serpent?s mouth. Wondering if she lived. How thoughtful. ?I assure you I am very much alive.? And on fire. The thoughts burned in the depths of her mind. She could feel the rage suffocating her but she had swallowed it, built it around her like a protective blanket and would use it to her advantage in the next battle.

So, what she really wanted to know was the security of Jupiter?s fate. That all depended on what the masses wanted. She wanted her head but did they? They mattered far more then her own emotions and she would listen, even as the rage filled her body with acid. Yet she would offer nothing. Not unless asked directly. ?Unless you desire to return to your queen and relinquish your hold over the kingdom I built then I am unsure what it is you wish to discuss.? She said flatly, no humor laced in her voice, only a seriousness that was almost deadly. Her ears twitched but there was no malice in her voice just numbness. She had so many still following her. Still refusing to go home even when the opportunity was available for them.