

Medusa i


5 Years
07-21-2013, 01:33 PM

Medusa was no compassion-filled creature; Jupiter was perhaps the only woman for which she was capable of feeling any great deal of empathy. She was able, however, to understand the appearance of the giant. If Jupiter had died and she had lost the throne, Medusa would have felt distraught, torn apart in many ways, for Jupiter was not just a planet in the same galaxy as her. Jupiter was the sun, the very thing she needed to warm her bones and keep her in orbit. She knew not how she had lived without her vixen before, and now she couldn?t. The spell was cast, and she never wanted to break it.
She could see the way Newt was torn, could understand the hurt, and yet she held no desire to make it feel better. Rather, the serpent felt opportunistic, keen on provoking the woman in a certain way. Newt was a beautiful woman; a warrior, whose body was a work of art, meant to disable and tear apart. The rush from convincing such a woman to give into passion, no matter how fiery that passion might be, would be incredible. ?It is very well that you are still alive,? she hummed, moving forwards slowly, closer to the giant of a woman with carefully planned steps. Medusa was quick, and if needed she would flee. She did not want a fight right now, not when she knew a challenge for Amenti was quickly coming.
She sought to push forwards once more, bold in her approach, hoping to move to the side so that her pelt would just barely brush against Newt?s. She sought to circle her, much like she had in their battle, but this time she wanted to be closer. She wanted each breath to press against Newt?s skin, each touch to make her blood boil, for the woman?s rage to come out so that Medusa might tempt her into passion. Hate made for the best passion after all. ?No, I do not wish to relinquish my title. I would only do so if you would promise to leave Jupiter and her family alone,? she said, and she knew very well that such a thing would not happen. ?I think we both know that is not an option, lovely. You are consumed by revenge, and you will let it flow through the veins of your pack, through the veins of your children, no matter what end they might find as a result,? she said. Her tone was not accusatory, for she knew that part of Jupiter?s motives had been revenge. Medusa did not judge, merely noted.
?I have built my own home there now. You are welcome to come live there in peace if you wish, but you seem like a woman consumed by war,? she said, turning her head towards the woman?s shoulder, tongue reaching out and hoping to rasp against her heated flesh. She would shiver, as if the taste were divine. ?Your hate tastes lovely,? she purred, a predator, staring down a delectable piece of prey. Could she convince her for a night of passion? The temptress hoped so.