
Sibling feud




3 Years

Valentines 2020
08-04-2019, 11:57 PM
This whole conversation had Theta confused, there were few thing by now that she knew for sure. She knew she hated the cold, she knew she didn’t like anyone telling her what to do with her life, and she knew she loved her dad. Without those three things there wasn’t much reason for her to be this spiteful. Theta didn’t want to let go of this hatred, if she wasn’t living out of spite then what reason was there? She couldn’t bring herself to accept any of this, not yet at least. If she accepted it that meant being complacent and that meant she couldn’t move forward anymore and she was moving forward. Slowly but surely she believed she was, to what she didn’t quite know yet. In time when this was long behind her she might. She might be able to pick up the pieces of what she had done and been to her family. But today was not that day, for today the wounds were still too fresh for her to let them heal.

“If none of you are to blame then who is? I can’t see how this isn’t anyone’s fault and even if it’s not yours my anger has to go somewhere. Until I can get out of here and make a life of my own I’m not going to be happy and I’m not going to go anywhere good in life. At least until then I want us to be civil, I don’t want screaming matches everytime we meet, I don’t want our parents to worry about keeping us separate, and I don’t want to look at you and feel I have to walk the other way. My goal isn’t to be the worst big sister ever, believe it or not. I want to be a decent one to both my own siblings and yours, while that may be a decision I just committed to right now is besides the point. I’m not asking for us to be a perfect brother sister pair, just civility. I can do it if you can.”

As she waited for his verdict she went down to catch another fish. Once again wishing Noir was here.
[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art