
my favorite things



11 Years
07-21-2013, 02:18 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2013, 03:21 PM by Bane.)
"Ya, you go right ahead and do it." And Maverick started to prance a bout in a bitch fashion towards him, Bane nodding to himself. "There you go, that's right, use the title that was practically given to you and hardly earned."

Bane's sapphire eyes gleamed in amusement at Mavericks tail raise. The gesture lacked any authority, it always had for him. Any wolf could raise there tail and claim 'dominance' over another, but Bane was set on a real way, a fight. Not that he could anymore, he could preform his duty just fine, but fighting was lost to him. Not in knowledge or in skill, but in various wounds that had been inflicted upon him over the years.

"I am learning about status and positions only if they are interesting, most aren't." Maverick then spoke about how Rancor must have had his patience tested daily or something by Bane's behavior. "I did a damn good job of watching that coast, no wolf, not even my mate could escape once she found her way onto my beach. I felt as if my wanderlust was being contained by my friend and my Chief, who I began to think was holding me back all those years from doing what I wanted to do. To have a family Maverick, that's all I wanted." Bane turned away and shuddered at his emotions, only letting a single tear escape from his right eye. A quick turn about and the grey wolf faced off against his advancing 'Prince'.

"And as I felt Rancor's jaws close around my throat upon my return I almost wanted him to finish it. But he didn't, and I'm thankful. I'm thankful that it didn't die those many times when I should have. The fire of my youth, my first hunt, the battles Rancor and I fought in, when my chief stopped me from raping his mate, the torture, the eruption. But the most painful battle I fight now is the one of being alone. I sense a kindred spirit in Loccian and perhaps I will ask her to be mine. But I feel that we need more convincing. Bane looked up a the dark sky, liking the twinkling of the stars... the Seracian male wouldn't mind being a star.?"Maybe I will take my leave, and try and find Loccian. Do you need her for something. I'll send her your way if ya do."

Bane didn't hate Maverick. Nor did he hate Rancor anymore. But he had to admit, it was pretty fucking funny they way they both pulled on each-others ears like pups.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•