
Who knows about tomorrow?


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-05-2019, 12:23 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2019, 12:31 PM by Dominus I.)

Dominus watched as the man removed his helmet, immediately recognizing those memorable eye markings. This was brother, Tyranis. His mind flashed back to when they'd met and Tyranis had given him a lesson in crafting. He remembered how fascinated he was with that very same cobra that wrapped around his neck... very much like the one he'd managed to find.

The Kingsnake moved up the teen's spine so that it could rest square in the middle of Dominus' wide forehead while leaving a trail that separated the youth's wild mane of fur. It watched with its oil slick stare, fascinated by the other wolf's companion. Without moving anymore once it decided it'd found the perfect vantage point to watch what transpired, it quietly flicked its blue tongue. Nearly the same exact shade as the boy's own tongue.

Dominus couldn't look away as he then remembered the night he'd climbed up that mountain to discover what Elias had done to his sister. He remembered Tyranis there, but Tyranis' back was turned... he likely didn't even know Dominus watched, and Dominus wasn't sure what to say or whether or not he should say anything at all.

"Tyranis, my half-brother," He finally said, smirking as he remembered how Tyranis had first introduced himself to him. His ears displayed the silver of the backing to the man as he expressed his apologies.

"It's good to see you, but.. looks like you've been through a lot. No wonder you're wearing that, maybe you should put it back on." He teased, trying his best to lighten the situation. There was a lot he could discuss with his brother, but he really didn't want to have to face what he was trying to put behind him again. All he really wanted to talk about now was...

"You never did let me hold him, but that's okay. I sorta found one of my own, and was wondering if you could help me figure out maybe what the fuck it is? Do I have to be afraid of it biting me and going into a coma? Do you know it's gender maybeee, I don'--" He started to shake his had as he was talking, trying to make the snake uncomfortable and slide off. Once he managed to make it lose its security on his spine, he tossed it off onto the floor... but the snake seemed rather unphased by the brutish handling. Where parts of its body landed that were upside down, they would quickly turn themselves back over and keep its attention on the strangers, more specifically.. the Cobra. They left their body long rather than coiled, though moved ever so slowly back in the direction of the teen's leg.

Dominus watched his companion curiously, he couldn't recall it ever taking an interest in someone like it was just now, was it because of the other snake.. or because it understood this was Dominus' bloodline? What Dominus had yet to discover about his friend, unfortunately, was everything that its diet consisted of. Kingsnakes lived primarily off of other reptiles, and while Dominus had witnessed it eat a chameleon, he'd yet to see it actually go for another snake.. which was it's absolute favorite if it had to choose.

What Dominus did know, however, was the snake's hunting behavior. It didn't take him long to realize that the snake was loosening its jaw and getting ready for striking rather than defending, He quickly moved over to step on the snake and prevent it from going any further- knowing full well he was about to piss off the snake, but it didn't seem to hurt him any the last few times he let the snake bite him. What it would do was force the snake to redirect its attention onto Dominus, and that was all he needed for now. Dom winced as the snake's fangs sunk into his forelimb but they didn't stay, the snake simply bit once and continued to try to get out from under the titan's weight.

Dominus looked back up to his brother once he felt that the snake was secure beneath him, he had no words but he kept his body language submissive in hopes that Tyranis would see he really didn't mean for the snake to cause any problems.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.