
for all the things my hands have held the best by far is you [birth]



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VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
08-05-2019, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2019, 04:33 PM by Deathbelle.)

They reached her due date, Lucretia guaranteed that the babies would be here within a couple of days. Deathbelle was terrified. The day of reckoning was upon her, and she felt ill prepared for what she was about to go through. Her milk came in a few days ago, so included in the misery that was her hugely swollen self she had to deal with her teats swaying beneath her. She certainly didn’t appreciate feeling like a bovine. No matter how afraid she was of the moment, Belle was also very much ready to not be pregnant anymore. To help things along Luce diagnosed a few activities for her, and though the most appealing wasn’t a light walk that’s what she opted for.

She still found her emotions about his relationship with Zee painful, but they had worked everything out and Belle was not one to go back on her word. Besides, she had much more important things to think about than her broken dreams. She was bringing new life into the world, and they very much deserved every ounce of her attention. With Seer at her side to act as protector as usual, Belle waddled along the border. Her attempt to look regal was commendable but difficult to pull off in her current state. Thank goodness it as the middle of the night and hard to see most details.

She huffed as her paws continued to carry her, and she was having recurring cramps. She was forced to slow down or stop every quarter mile or so. The Empress was thankful for Seer’s patience as they slowly patrolled Ashen’s borders. The bongo hide was draped over her back to keep her warm, she’d been cold since waking up but Autumn was quickly segwaying to Winter.

They’d been walking only a short distance since the last stop when Belle was forced to stop again. This time her whole body seemed to tense up with the muscles in her abdomen. Deathbelle cried out, not expecting the physical pain to be so intense. She gasped for breath through tightly closed eyes as she worked through the first real contraction.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.