
Cat scratch fever




7 Years

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08-05-2019, 10:07 PM

The tiger and Sirius wrestled for too many painstaking long moments and each further growl and snarl sent Zee's emotions into overdrive. Sirius was in danger and it was her fault - he was only protecting her. The small wolf continued her assault, weaving in and out of it's legs and snapping where possible to provide a decent enough distraction for Sirius to take advantage of. She felt the majority of her bites landing, though with the cat's massive size it seemed to hardly notice the pain. It was as if Zee was an annoying fly buzzing around his head and simply annoying him to death.

Sirius got in a good bite, and Zee heard the howl of pain tear from the cat's throat. She spun around to face it once more, gaze moving from the fierce creature and back to her protector. His neck had taken a hit, but otherwise he seemed okay. Sirius took the moment to return to her side, and Zee was taken back by his command. Run? Sirius? She blinked at him in bewilderment, an then the cat was moving to strike once more and she turned tail and obeyed. As she fled, she made sure to continue looking back to be sure that 1) Sirius was still behind her and 2) that he was okay. Zee firmly doubted that he was happy to try to run from a challenge, and it was likely only her that he wanted to keep safe from the angry boulder of claws and teeth. A part of her wondered if he'd go back for the thing to get his revenge, and Zee hoped beyond hope that he would not be so stupid. Even with his direwolf size, his ridiculously powerful saber teeth, and his form made of pretty much only muscle... it was a damn tiger.

She ran as hard as she could, chest heaving with the effort. Somehow Sirius kept up to her agile form, and she had a feeling it had something to do with the incredible brute strength that the titan had within him. Each of his powerful strides equaled out to four or five of hers and the two were close as the fled the scene. The rustle of the underbrush behind them faded slowly as the cat gave in, the injury to it's tendon just too much for the creature to bear to run on. Too bad. She though bitterly. "No lunch for you." A smile of relief came over her as she saw the Ashen border come into view - thankfully they had not gone far. Her smile quickly faded as the thought hit her. The tiger was not far from Ashen. Deathbelle was pregnant, their warriors hadn't even finished their first training session yet. There was no way Sirius was going to let this go, and there was no way Zee would be willing to let him back into these woods without her by his side.

Total Word Count: 1523

Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.