


07-21-2013, 05:40 PM
O.O PLOT TWIST!? new table cause yes.

He was panting, jaws still splayed but beginning to ache. He slowly closed them, keeping them agape but no longer spread wide. Intimidation was out the window, the woman knew she'd lost. He only wondered if the insane beast inside her could recognize it. Suddenly he grew worried. If he ever did move from on top of her she could easily strike him again, or one of the wolves that had gathered in his honor. He had once felt so safe, his paws on either side of her, jaws spread menacingly. But now, now he was frightened. Fear had never been something he'd worried about, but it became all too real when his pack was in danger. With Adette Mathias alive, they would be in perpetual danger - at least while he was King. His jaw hung slack then, as her growl rumbled deep in her chest. Her saliva hit him full in the face, staining the flesh on his upper muzzle a darker hue than normal. He shook his head, staring down at the vile creature she had become, wondering what had happened to the love that they both shared at one time.

She was beginning to convince him, beginning to get into his skull - his very mind. As long as she lived she would always haunt him. Every call that rang out from the battlefield, he would assume it to be her. Every time he felt like he was being watched, he would think it was her. Dying by her tooth and claw had once been something he'd never even thought of, but now it had become an all too real fear. He loathed the idea of it, would rather die by any other means than an injury she inflicted. Fear gripped his chest, contracting his heart in rapid, frenzied beats. The clicking of her jaws jolted him, his heart skipped a beat in response. HIs jaws drew shut like a vice grip, tightening in worry as a sickening smile drew across her lips. She was winning. He watched as she aligned her skull parallel to the earth, leaving her throat wide open for the taking. A demon in his mind chanted, urging him to just prick one of the arteries keeping her alive. With her death would come his peace - at least that's what the demon assured him of.

She egged him on, urging him to kill her - giving him permission. An anguished groan slipped from his lips as his jaws drew wide. His skull lowered and tilted, bringing his splayed jaws to each side of her neck. tentatively he closed his jaws slowly, just until his canine teeth felt the resistance of her flesh. His heart drummed loudly in his ears, beating out a rhythm that urged him forward, but he could not. His jaws ached from the fighting, ached from the impact of her own fangs colliding with his. He knew he couldn't bring them completely closed. He couldn't rip out her throat. HIs jaws began to quiver, to twitch and jerk involuntarily. Amethyst eyes blinked closed as adrenaline and uncertainty bubbled deep in his chest. In one motion - whether conscious or unconscious he wasn't sure, his jaws drew shut with even, intense pressure on both sides of her throat. He felt momentary resistance, and then there was blood - lots of it. The demons in his mind cheered, but something inside of him died. He drew his jaws away after what felt like a lifetime, but he could not move from where he stood.

He may have won the battle, but she won the war.

ooc; adette should still have time to say something to him if she wants to before she bleeds out.
