
like a tattoo


08-07-2013, 05:53 AM


They fit together perfectly, black and white against multicolored fur, and for a moment, pure bliss washed over Ocena. In all honesty, yes, the world probably could have ended right then, and she probably wouldn't have noticed, distracted as she was by her mate--no, lover's perfection. There was something about him that balanced out the less than perfect in her, and between the two of them, they made something better than themselves. It was clear in their children. Sweet, darling Orica, who was so much more mature than Ocena had ever been at that age (and larger too, the female noted with a hint of amusement - all of her children were growing swiftly). Avalon, who was her daddy's little girl, and clearly took after their father in terms of size. Galileo, the little warrior. They were all perfect. And soon they would have more siblings, wolves to love or hate or tolerate.

There was a nip at her ear and Ocena twisted to shoot Gargoyle a sharp look, though the effect was ruined by the laughter that shook her tiny frame. "Is that how you want to play it?" Well, all was fair in love and war, right? Teeth snaked out as Ocena moved to nip lightly at his chest, the closest thing that she could reach. The downside to having a mate so much bigger than her was that try as she might, there was no way she was reaching his ears from this position.

But she was entirely unbothered by that, and relaxed moments later, letting her body melt into his until it was hard to tell where she ended and he began. "I feel . . . big." Ocena answered with a snort, "I would ask you if this is how you feel all the time, but somehow I doubt you spend much time waddling around." In another wolf, those words might have had a bite to them. In Ocena, they were playful, teasing. "In all honesty, I'm fine. I'm ready for our children to be born, though." She wanted to see the improvements upon her family, to adore them and to love them as she loved their siblings.

TAG: Gargoyle <3 NOTES: <3