
The Search Begins



07-21-2013, 11:52 PM

It made Song quite happy to see a grin on the maw of her alpha. Everyone seemed to get excited at the thought of puppies, new life brought into the world. She was ecstatic about being the mother to Cherokee's children. It had really been destiny that they were together, she couldn't imagine spending her life with any other wolf. She glanced over at his dark form for a moment, the love she felt for him overflowed so much she could hardly stand it. "I appreciate you informing me. When the time comes, Marvel is our lead healer. He'll usually come when called, so if you think you need help, he's your man."
It was a relief to hear about Marvel, she had heard his name before it was possible Aria informed her of his position. It comforted her to know she'd be able to call upon his help with ease. She just hoped Cherokee would trust him enough to take care of her had she the need. It's good to know I have him to count on. Her husband knew absolutely nothing about healing, and other than what she could tell him to do he wouldn't be very efficient in an emergency.
"We'll have to organize some play dates in the future, no doubt," Song let a giggle escape her throat at the queen's words, the thought of her children tumbling around with the offspring of Jupiter made her happy. She just wanted her children out of her womb and in her arms. I like the way you think, Jupiter. I just need to get them out of me first. she laughed a bit as her eyes rested on her swollen abdomen. She would meet her children soon. How old are your's getting to be now? Curiosity laced her light hearted tone as her question left her maw.
