
The Love That Binds Us



07-21-2013, 10:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Nervousness swept over Awaken the moment her question had passed from her lips, an embarrassed sort of chuckle following. She stared curiously up at him with a quick glance, fighting her own insecurities to do so. What had bothered him? But despite his reluctance to tell her this secret of his, he caved, admitting to having had a run in with a crow. Even through her anxiety over what she still needed to tell him, she smiled, a gentle, reluctant chuckle slipping out of her muzzle though she tried not to let it loose. "My poor Awaken," she murmured as the humor began to lessen from her gentle voice, reaching upward to nuzzle his cheek softly. He always seemed to have the worst luck.

With the question answered, Mercianne realized there was really nothing further preventing her from telling him what she had realized. He needed to know, and all this dragging her feet was just going to make it worse. She needed to get it over with and hope that he would be accepting of it, just as he had been about all the other tumultuous events that had transpired within and around their homes.

She drew back from him with a deep breath, readying herself for what she was about to do. "Awaken," she began, her dark eyes shifting upward to meet his poison apple stare but then shifting away nervously, "I have something to tell you." It felt as if her voice had entirely disappeared the moment she had said the words, leaving her stranded and floundering with that single phrase needing to be said. Her ears tucked nervously, afraid that she not be able to get the words out, afraid that he might not react to it as she hoped he would. No, she couldn't let herself get caught up in these thoughts again. They would only prolong the inevitable, and she wasn't going to know how he would respond until she said the words.

"Awaken, I- ... I'm pregnant."

Her head and ears were tucked, her dark eyes now unable to look away from his face in her desperation to know what he thought. Please, don't be upset.