
Red fish, blue fish

for Moon



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
08-07-2019, 03:57 PM

Score! He sunk his jaws into a pleasantly plump fish, bearing down on it until he felt it slacken in his jaws. Instantly he headed back to shore - and subsequently toward Moon, and the hole she'd so gracious dug for him. Dropping the fish at his paws and batting it into the hole, he raised a brow in question as he faced her, wondering what she meant. She was from.. everywhere? Didn't she mean nowhere? Or maybe he was just thinking about it all wrong...

Either way, she didn't have any particular pack scent on her, so he could only assume she was a loner. He wondered what sort of life she lived - though it was hard to imagine being happy on his own, wandering the lands without purpose, he could only assume that her life wasn't meaningless. She seemed happy enough, didn't she? He decided not to question her words, because he both didn't know quite what she meant, and didn't know how to politely ask for clarification. A small nod was all he could muster, focusing on pulling a few more fish from the water before climbing back to the shore for the final time, shaking stray water droplets from his coat.

"I'm from Abaven," he started with a slow smile, lifting his gaze to meet hers. When he'd been younger, he'd worried about giving up too much information about where he was from, as if it might threaten his pack's safety... but he'd since abandoned that line of thinking. If someone wanted to bring harm to his pack, they'd find a way to, regardless - and Moon didn't strike him as the threatening type. His smile lifted slightly as he continued speaking, more genuine now. "Our lands are just northwest when you swim straight back to shore. Not that far from the island. I grew up seeing this island in the distance, but... I'd never been this way until now," he admitted with a soft laugh, no longer feeling quite as awkward around her. He wasn't really the wandering type, not until lately at least, and he knew he had plenty of Boreas left to explore... someday.