
feelings, sensations that you thought were dead

ft kirsi



2 Years
08-07-2019, 03:59 PM

she was afraid.

humble and modest, Heloise was afraid of the thoughts that circled in her mind. what she would willingly choose to do and place upon herself for the sake of arrogance. Winterfell had been good to her, and though she did not owe them anything, she knew she could not repay their kindness. it had been a full season since she had joined their ranks, and she had not budged one inch in title. she felt her skills were being wasted and she was too proud (or perhaps respectful) to speak to Acere about it. as for her thoughts on Acere; that was complicated and would be revisited another time. or perhaps never.

she walked back to the Red Forest, mindful of the talk she had with Song a few days ago. the festival had ended and there was no further need for her to travel so far from the north, though she did enjoy meeting the other wolves when there. none had been lasting friendships - another thing that plagued her deepest thoughts - and she wondered if it was worth it to remain. Heloise had been a loner for a long time so perhaps this was the gods' will and work. to make her be patient. still, she had ideas that did not fit in with Winterfell.

ideas that perhaps she was more keen to act on over waiting for some grace. Song was no longer here as she walked further in - he had perhaps moved on and she did not expect the man anyway. pausing beside one of the infamous trees in the area, she'd sniff along the ground to pick up the scent of loners. she had no idea what for - maybe she was rejecting her ambitions further - but she reasoned that it was for Winterfell's best interests. a lone wolf could mean caution.


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag