


07-21-2013, 10:46 PM


Tyberius felt like, no matter what he did, he'd never catch her off-guard. She, on the other hand, was throwing him curve balls he couldn't catch. His teeth missed her neck, instead snapping shut on thin air. There would be a soreness for a few days, that much was obvious.

Her paws found their way around his own neck, her weight pushing him back onto his haunches. Tyberius was so surprised that he forgot any defenses at all, his rump hitting the ground hard. The only defensive move he made was to move his face away from her sharp teeth but he wasn't quite quick enough. She made contact with the left side of his face and he let out a yelp of pain. His ears flattened against his head as he struck out at her with his left front paw, hoping to simultaneously push her away and tear her flesh. Her teeth were still digging into his face but he was banking that his attempted attack would connect, making her let go. It would bleed, surely, but freedom was more important.

For the first time, he realized that he was losing. She was much stronger than he was and he had no chance against her. A low whine escaped him as he considered giving in. His hind leg was paining him but he didn't say anything. He was sure that it would all be over soon.


attacks: striking out with left front paw, hoping to either push her away or tear her skin with his claws

defenses: leaning back to avoid her teeth (to no avail)

injuries: bruising to his chest, bite wound to side of face, sore teeth

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 237 NOTES: wanna do three rounds? he's tuckered out. lol/edited for rounds