
We Work Ourselves To The Bone Each Night




8 Years
08-08-2019, 12:58 PM

As the fight began Hannibal's defenses were pretty locked and loaded. Elbows and knees bent, eyes narrowed, lips curled up, ears flat, breathing steady, weight distributed evenly, tailed flagged out, head lowered, and muzzled pointed down. He only took a moment to ensure he was focused and his mind was clear before sprinting forward to meet his sibling's own charge. They clashed with Harbringr's right shoulder hitting the center of Hannibal's chest. The force of the shoulder slam would likely leave a good amount of bruising to the albino's chest but it was not enough to dwell on in the adrenaline filled moments of their spar. - As Harbringr's right shoulder came upward at Hannibal's throat the albino was ready with a quick snap of his fangs. Due to his defenses the Hand's muzzle was pointed downward to protect his throat from such an attack. Thus, he was quick to meet such an attack with exposed fangs. The bite was aimed at the top of the jutted out shoulder with Hannibal's head shifted lightly to his own left to position the left portion of his face away from Harbringr. He didn't wan't to leave himself open for anymore easy attacks.

Meanwhile, Harbringr was not finished with his initial assault. As Hannibal was focused on his top half his brother went for a paw slam. Har slammed his right paw down onto Hanni's left paw. The intital force of the slam brought forth a sharp growl from the albino's throat. Hannibal was very quick to react by quickly attempting to force his left front paw backwards to ensure Har was unable to pin his toes down. Hannibal could feel lulls of throbbing in the damaged paw but he was still able to move his toes enough to make it evident nothing was broken or too severely damaged. Hanni redistributed his weight to his two hind legs and his front right leg while his front left recovered. While this was happening Har was quick to connect a bite at Hannibal's right lower outer portion of shoulder. It was not a vicious bite but it was enough to draw blood and cause some stinging pain. Another growl could be heard from the albino but this time it was low and from the bellows of his throat.

As Har's bite connect Hannibal ensured his defenses were settled once again. He cooled his breathing and maintained balance. After only a split second he was ready for more. Hanni would aim to dig into the earth with his hind paws and press himself froward slightly into Harbringr to apply an idle pressure. It was an attempt at mildly distracting his brother by adding just another element to the battle to pay attention to. Meanwhile, Hannibal would bare the pain and raised that wounded front left leg, bent at the knee, in hopes to jut the top of the knee into Harbringr's sternum between his two front legs. Hannibal was hoping to make use of his damaged paw and inflict some blunt damaged to his brother.

Hannibal vs Harbringr for Spar
Round 1/2
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Fight Skill Level: Expert

Hannibal Speech

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.