
we all go marching one by one

ft winterfell patrol

Elara I


7 Years
08-08-2019, 02:25 PM

Elara was always up for something to do, she liked to keep busy and in most cases was that way until she exhausted herself. She had been quiet to start when she joined Acere, getting reused to the territory and building herself a very nice den. She had also taken up the task of scouting nearby lands for ample prey supply, noting both prey and predator routes and bedding down spots. With winter coming they would need to stock up on food, but now that the bears were preparing for hibernation it would make hunts more dangerous. Hunts would be better done in a group now, a bear less likely to take on several wolves. Although as Hibernation grew closer the large creatures would be more desperate and desperation led to stupid decisions.

She had just come back from a scouting trip and had made it back to her den for a quick and safe dinner. She was in the process of finishing up her dinner when the inviting howl from the fellow pack member rang across the territory. Quickly gathering herself to her feet the northern female headed off in a quick pace towards the source of the call. Patrolling while getting to know another member would be fun and it would be more interesting then patrolling on her own, so she couldn't simply pass the opportunity up. When she came from the cover of the pines her blue eyes fell upon a white female wolf he was waiting to be joined. Wagging her tail in a friendly manner she approached.

"Evening, I'm Elara Durand," he greeted the other, but was ready to start patrol.
