


07-22-2013, 12:37 AM

Despite never having been in a spar before, the young woman was actually doing pretty well. Or at least that's what she thought. what would her friend Killian think if he saw sparring? He seemed like someone who maybe knew a little about it. Would he think that she was doing well? Obviously she would need more work, but she hoped she was at least doing a decent job. Her quick thinking saved her, Tyberius' jaws snapping against thin air, probably reverberating rather painfully. That might hurt tomorrow morning. Clearly he had bitten more than he could chew, the creamy peach woman able to gain the upper paw rather easily since he appeared to not really know what he was doing. Her forelimbs landed around his shoulders, the force behind them allowing her plan to follow throw, the man landing rather hard on his haunches as his hind limb folded beneath him. Haunches remained taut, the claws of her hind paws dug snugly into the earth for optimum traction, plume held aloft for added balance, audits flattened against her skull as she kept her slit eyes on him.

Her attack left him rather stunned, although he was still able to react in time, pulling his face away from her snapping jaws, though he didn't escape completely unscathed. Her upper fangs pierced the delicate flesh of his lips, sinking in about an inch or two. A bit of blood filled her jaws, but her hold didn't last long. The brute lashed out with his left forepaw, looking to push her away and inflict damage at the same time. Despite having her eyes slit for protection and pulling her head away from his flailing paw, she was exactly quick enough. His talons raked across the bottom portion of her muzzle, coming from the middle to the tip of her nose. Instantly she released her hold on him, releasing her grip from around his neck, allowing her left forelimb to drop to the ground while she too struck out at him, using her right forepaw as her weapon, aiming to catch him around the cheek or neck.

Round 3/3

Attack: Swung out at him with her right forepaw

Defense: Haunches taut, talons dug into the soil, plume aloft for balance, audits pinned and eyes slit, pulling away from his swiping paw(though too slow)

Injuries: Shallows gauges from the middle of her muzzle down to her nose

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