
the new gods of supertown

ft deity



4 Years
08-08-2019, 04:17 PM

Heading south for the winter was a good idea in theory. With fur and body as thin as Deity’s, it was necessary to find somewhere warmer to hole up for a while. In practice, however... well, Deity didn’t exactly know her way around. Which led to her current situation.
The air was thick and hot in her lungs, and it clung to her fur like slimy tar. Deity navigated her way through the grasses coating the ground (if you could even call it that), paws squelching in ankle-deep mud. She growled a curse, shaking clumps of filth from between the toes on her left front leg. This was no place for a goddess; no place for a higher being such as her. It was disgusting here, frankly. Chuffing, Deity cast her gaze about, hoping she’d see a break in the shrubbery, hoping that just before her would be the way out.
She had no such luck.
The woman groaned, frustrated and irritable in the heat. There was nothing to do but keep moving, she supposed. So, she ducked her head and arduously plodded on.
Soon enough, mundane thoughts began to fill the goddess’s head. How she would survive this coming winter, ways to secure food, potential den spaces far from this region, the like. The thoughts distracted her, pulled her from her awareness. The sounds of the swampland faded from her ears, and mindlessly she stepped forward— and her paw tangled in vines. The tug on her leg paired with the sudden loss of balance jerked the woman back to her senses with a jolt, and she tuned back into reality just in time to see the ground rise up to meet her.
She wound up with her arse in the air, her jaw sunk in the mud, and her front two paws caught underneath her stomach.
”Stars above,” she barked, her aloof demeanor snapping. She heard a couple startled birds take flight, singing alarms to the whole of the swamp. Deity couldn’t bring herself to care. Rage, frustration, and hunger burned in the pit of her stomach, and she had to take labored breaths to calm down enough to function. With great difficulty, she managed to right herself. The whole process was inelegant, to say the least, but she managed. Now the woman stood with her right ankle throbbing, her whole body coated in mud, and seething with pent-up frustration. Her lips were unconsciously lifted in a fearsome snarl that exposed the entirety of her teeth. Deity cursed and tried to put weight on her ankle. Flashes of pain lit up her leg the moment her paw touched the earth, and she instantaneously yanked it back. Fantastic. She stood still for a moment, eyes squeezed shut, resigning to the fact that it would simply have to do. With a heavy chuff, she took a few more labored, painful steps.

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.