
Dingo’s got my baby




8 Years
08-08-2019, 09:10 PM

Hannibal assumed when Dutch agreed to leaving her band to join Ashen that it would be a simple task. The way the small lass spoke of leaving was so nonchalant that he had no second thoughts. Thus, as the Icelandic mistress before him began speaking the albino raised a brow in mild confusion. Seemingly, Valkyrie had Dutch captive and wanted to negotiate some sort of terms with Hannibal so he could retrieve her. Truth be told the beast did not come to the festival to purchase slaves but attended to see what all the fuss was about. Hannibal was no collector nor was he much of a crafter. He was empty pawed when it came to material items to give the greedy viking. But, he would have to make do.

Fierce blue and pink eyes poured into her icy pools. The smirk upon those inky lips and the feminine flourish of her words spelled out seduction to the male. Hannibal drank in her looks and accented words but remained still. His facial features were stern as he lulled over the thoughts of what was at stake. Valk having Dutch was one thing. They were not mated and he held very little romantic feelings for the little femme. But, Dutch was the mother of his offspring. Within her belly grew his spawn. Those offspring were worth so much more then any material item he could offer. Perhaps Valk new that as well. Thus, Hannibal would have to smart about his approach and not allow her feminine charm sway him just yet.

With his head held high the male finally stirred. Lips formed a rather mischievous grin as he began speaking with those deep husky tones. "You seem to think I want her." The male narrowed his eyes ever so slightly as he continued, "The pups that grow within her belly are what I want." Hannibal tilted his head ever so slightly as if to draw her in, "We have plenty of options here, Finnvi." A pause. "I am no collector of material items. I have no twigs nor berries to present you, perhaps if you are interested in that we should call upon Empress Deathbelle." A shrug. "Otherwise what I have to offer would be political gain or some sort of agreement between my pack and your band. There are many ways to solidify alliances if it may be an arranged marriage or even another litter." The slender ghoul allowed his eyes to shamelessly rake against her own figure before quickly flicking back to her own gaze. "Or, if you so desire to keep your crafty gal I can deliver her to you once she has whelped. Deathbelle can easily nurse the litter if it comes down to it." Hannibal seemed to cover all his bases. He aimed to not allow Valk to tug his leg for anything more. Of course he'd love to have Dutch in Ashen to raise their offspring but he would not dare jeopardize having his children with him. Thus, he would put emphasis on desiring only the pups.

Hannibal Speech

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.