
One Fist of Iron, One Fist of Steel



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
08-09-2019, 08:23 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2019, 08:28 AM by Ares.)
The other confirmed what he thought. That was good news! It meant he'd have an easier time getting food without as much hassle this time. Not that he struggled often to get his own food, but having some help never hurt and it made things much, much easier most of the time. "Yeah I'm down to split it with ya," He got closer to get a look at the heard ahead so he could determine which one would be suitable for a meal.

When the man's bird spoke, Ares flicked an ear back to listen. He was always up for a challenge, so the buck was of course, at the top of his list. "How about the buck? Bigger meal, better things to get from that rack of his would be neat to hang in your den or ya know, you could always stab someone with it too." He tried to suppress a smirk before his next words, but failed. "Besides, none of those girls are gonna fuck 'im since it looks like he lost his fight," Was he mature? He could be if he wanted to he supposed. But not today.

He turned and grinned at the other, a big wide, toothy grin. He noticed the males birds, and got to thinking. It would be useful to have birds like that, or something he could probably use to chuck at someone during a fight to distract them. Tail tip flicked in thought, wondering if he could find something useful that he could boss around. While he thought about it, he heard some commotion from the herd they were stalking, and he turned to see that they looked uneasy now. Squinting with a low "hmmm," he knew it wasn't them they were uneasy about. They were downwind of the herd, and a reasonable distance away so as not to scare them. Something else was scaring them, but it seemed to be downwind of the two wolves as well. "Hey uh, you don't happen to have another companion around the herd do you?" He thought he caught movement, but it had come and gone in a flash and he wasn't too sure.

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